One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
All of my friends fell out with me
Because I kept your company
But let them say whatever they will
I love my love with a free good will
One I love, two she loves
And three she's true to me
They tell me he's poor, they tell me he's young
I tell them all to hold their tongue
If they could part the sand from the sea
They never could part my love from me
One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
When I'm awake, I find no rest
Until his head lies on my breast
When I'm asleep I'm dreaming of
My own, my dear, my one true love
One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
When the fire to ice will run
And when the tide no longer turns
And when the rocks melt with the sun
My love for you will have just begun
One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
One I love, two she loves
And three she's true to me
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